Creation Speakers

Bruce Wood

Irving, TX

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Dinosaur Theology 101:
Hear evidence that dinosaurs were seen by Adam, Eve, were on Noah’s ark, were documented in sightings by many humans throughout history, and may be alive today! Understand when they were created, what their purpose was, and factors leading to their extinction.

Earth to Anyone?:
Scientific and theological reasons are given as to why evolution could not develop ETs, and why God would not populate any other planets with life forms.

Catastrophic Connections from Mt. St. Helens:
Science and theology will relate Mt. St. Helens to the Genesis flood, Noah’s ark, the Ice Age, fossils, and historic geological formations.

The Eternal Jesus Connection:
This talk was made for students. It teaches that the Jesus of the 1st century is just as relevant in the 21st century. He remains the supreme Comforter, Scientist, and Savior.

Scientific Dominos from a Transcendent God:
Learn how the flood geology of the Noahic event caused massive changes in Earth’s geography, geology, and climatology. See also how this catastrophic deluge affected paleontology and genetic changes in humans. Understand how the Genesis flood caused the Ice Age and decline in life spans for all animals and humans.

Starlight Distance in the Creator’s Universe:
Scriptures, along with layman terminology, are used to explain Einstein relativity and Newtonian physics (in layman’s terms). A plausible theory will be discussed as to how we can see starlight billions of light-years away in a ~6,000-year-old universe.

Biblical Beginnings: Defending the Minority View of Scriptural Truth:
Every Christian needs to apply correct hermeneutics and science to declare Jesus Christ made our universe in six literal days, without using any form of evolution.

Properly Prepared for Life:
Biblical and scientific facts combine to emphasize the need for a Christian’s need for a solid foundation. Excellent for ALL students to spiritually defend themselves. Training in good basic Bible and science in education will strengthen the faith of any freshman, professional, or other Christian who wants a stronger testimony for Christ.

Bible, Science, & Evolution:
Enjoyed by youth and adults alike. A series of fanciful transitional animals (like a Quackadile) are related to the fanciful evolutionary concepts seen in textbooks, museums, and “scientific” journals today. Knowing creation science basics equips us to discern evolutionary fakes.

The Race of Faith:
Hebrews 12:1-2 stresses the need to overcome obstacles to God’s Word. Correct Biblical interpretation, along with basic scientific and Bible knowledge will equip Christians to overcome evolution, theological heresies, and other hurtles in their race of faith.

God’s Design in Creation:
Irrefutable scientific evidence will advocate God’s design in physical and life sciences. Use of common objects, as well as practical examples can be used by anyone.

The Dating Game Pt. 1:
Evolution dating methods are examined and refuted by scientific and Scriptural evidence. Part 1 discusses scientific evidence for a young earth, including a general study on carbon 14 dating, using layman’s terminology.

The Dating Game Pt. 2:
Popular evolution dating methods are examined and refuted by scientific and Scriptural evidence. Part 2 explains the critical flaws of other popular dating methods, such as uranium-lead, calcium deposits (think cave stalactites & stalagmites), petrification, using layman’s terminology.

Faith and the Object Thereof:
Many events in the Bible, considered as unscientific, are, in truth, historically accurate. Biblical and scientific evidence will verify the reality of the literal Genesis creation week and the Noahic flood will lead to the preeminent Object in which to place our faith, namely Jesus Christ.

Praising All Creation’s God:
God is to be praised in His large and small creations. Scientific evidence advocates a young earth, and theological evidence testifies to what the Creator did to re-deem His creation. This talk includes the holiday themes of Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as a gospel presentation.