Creation Speakers

Dr. Anthony Silvestro

North Royalton, OH 44133

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They/Them/What? – How to respond to the LGBTQ+ Agenda:
This talk first goes through a brief history of the LGBTQ+ movement to show how it infiltrated the church. The rest of the talk is focused on how to respond to homosexuality and transgenderism both biblically and scientifically, as well as be able to answer some of the most common challenges and objections. This talk can be done in 60-90 minutes.

The Evils of Big Pharma:
This talk starts with a brief history of how the Rockefeller foundation caused the start of “western medicine” while nearly eradicating natural medicine. We will cover the bribery and corruption within Big Pharma and how it has caused manipulated research. Then, we spend much of our time on how this has led to the use of dangerous pharmaceuticals, poor medical care, and vaccine injuries. This talk cane be done in 60 minutes.

The Evils of the Food Industry:
This talk starts with the problems and corruption in the food industry, including the “food pyramid.” We will cover the dangers of sugar, seed oils, processed food and lab-made supplements, which has led to a population that is much less healthy than previous generations. This talk ends with giving proper principles of food choices and how to get back to a correct diet, including how certain foods and natural supplements can actually reverse a lot of disease! This talk cane be done in 60 minutes.

The Evils of COVID:
This talk first covers the history of COVID 2020, including its planning starting several decades earlier. We will then cover how the medical system completely mistreated COVID patients (which caused most of the deaths), the lies of masks, the suppression of alternative information and treatments (including ivermectin, vitamins, and nebulizers), and the dangers of the COVID vaccine. This talk can be done in 60 minutes.

What Happens when the Church Gives Up Genesis?:
This talk teaches that the cultural issues today are a direct result of evolutionism being taught in churches. It will also teach you how to biblically and scientifically respond to all of the biggest cultural issues today. This talk can be done in 60 minutes.

Lay-Level Presuppositional Apologetics:
Part 1 with or without Part 2 (each 1-1.5 hr in length)
These talks are suitable for middle & high school students and teach them to trust their Bibles.

Part 1 discusses the differences between evidential, classical, and presuppositional apologetics. While evidential apologetics has its place, presuppositional is foundational for apologetics! This talk also teaches how correctly done apologetics should always lead to evangelism and gives people more confidence in themselves as apologists.

Part 2 walks you through how this works functionally and briefly discusses moral arguments as presuppositional.

Biblical Evangelism (Ray Comfort style):
Part 1 and/or Part 2
This talk shows how to use The Law to show people their sins and give them the Gospel. This talk can be done in 30-60 minutes.

Morality, God-given Rights, and the Proper Role of Government:
With everything that has happened in the last three or more years, some questions have arisen, and confusion abounds. Where do human rights come from? How do we know? What role does the government play in our rights?
This talk teaches that Human Rights are God-given and not government-given. As the American forefathers acknowledged, we all have an innate sense that rights are inalienable from God and tied to His character.

Since God also created government, how should we biblically view it in its role? How do we properly view Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2? When do we disobey the government to obey God? The bottom line is that when governments encroach on us, we obey God.

Street-Level Apologetics:
What are the common questions and challenges that we get from unbelievers, and how do we answer them? This seminar is approximately 1-2 hours long, depending on the topic.

The Satanic History of Social Justice:
This talk discusses how we are to view the social justice movement Biblically. It is derived from Marxism, which was started as an attack on God and Christianity. This discussion will walk you through the history of the social justice movement, starting at the beginning of time, through the Renaissance period, the French Revolution, and Karl Marx in Europe.
Then, we will cover the history of Marxism infiltrating our country in the early 1900s, how it changed the education system, starting in 1905, and how it owned our education system and infiltrated the churches by the 1940s.

The Problems with Social Justice:
This talk builds upon the history in the first talk and how we Biblically combat it today, including homosexuality, transgenderism, egalitarianism, critical race theory, intersectionality, the false gospel, and many more.

Why the Bible is the Source of Truth:
Why is the Bible true and not the Koran, the Book of Mormon, or other various books? We show why the Bible is true and how to use it while defending the Bible and Christianity.

The “Problem” of Evil – How do we Reconcile a Good God with Bad Things Happening in this World?:
This is the biggest challenge given to Christians and asked of Christian Ministries. Most creationists will say things like “God allows evil” as if it is just this passive thing that happens… yet the Bible teaches that God ordains ALL things that come to pass. How do we reconcile that?

The Origin of Life:
This seminar teaches how to pose simple questions that can lead a Ph.D. evolutionary biologist to question evolutionism, enabling even middle schoolers to grasp the significant issues with the origin of life. It equips participants to engage in intelligent discussions and present irrefutable arguments to scientists with advanced degrees.

Apologetics for the 21st Century:
The newest topics from our 1-day course, Apologetics for the 21st Century. These can be done in one full day or broken up as individual talks that can be mixed and matched for your church or conference.

Expository Sermons for Sunday Church Services:
The Supremacy of Christ (Colossians 1:15-20) – This talk has a lot of Creation and speaks about Christ as our Creator.
False Teachers in the church (2 Peter 2:1-2)
Attributes of God in relation to theodicy (Job 38-41)
Paul’s defense of the Gospel (Galatians 1:1-10)
Christ, Our Sabbath Rest (Hebrews 4)
The Power of the Tongue (James 3:1-12)
Good Soldiers For Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-4)
Biblical Marriage (Focus on 1 Cor 7:10-16)
Ambassadors For Christ (Evangelism) (2 Cor 5:10-21)
Genesis 1:1-3 In the Beginning, God