Creation Speakers

Eric Hovind

29 Cummings Rd. Pensacola, FL 32503

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How to Blow An Atheist’s Mind:
Skepticism toward Christianity is at an all-time high, leaving many Christians unsure how to confidently respond to tough questions about their faith. Meanwhile, atheism continues to grow, challenging believers to provide meaningful answers about God’s existence and the reliability of Scripture. In this talk, you’ll discover the forgotten truth that EVERY Christian should be standing on and how to use that truth with every skeptic you meet. Once you understand this forgotten foundation truth, you’ll never be afraid to share your faith again!

God’s Glory: A Journey of Discovery:
What shook Eric’s faith to the very core making him question everything he believed—even whether he really knew the God of the Bible? This intimate, personal message by Eric Hovind takes you on a journey into the reality of God Himself. Eric’s most requested message at live events, God’s Glory! has been used to propel many to take an honest look at what they believe about God. Eric invites you to take your first step, or your next step in discovering that EVERYTHING happens for God’s Glory!

They’re Both Religions:
Many believe that evolution is a part of science studies and creation is a part of the religious studies. But examining the evidence proves that both creation and evolution represent paramount religious worldviews! Dig into the evidence with Eric, removing all the scientific hyperbole to reveal the truth. If you are a creationist, you believe in the beginning—God! If you are an evolutionist, you believe in the beginning—dirt!

How Old Is It?:
According to the dates given in the Bible, the earth is about 6,000 years old. According to evolutionists, the earth is billions of years old. Does this conflict affect the lost and the faith of believers? Delve into the conflict as this message presents evidences that point conclusively to a young earth. The testimony of Scripture tells us the earth is young — and true science agrees!

It Was Good:
If there really is a Creator God, why do we see suffering? In this message we come face to face with this question and answer it with the biblical account of Adam’s Fall and Noah’s Flood. Join Eric to study the awe and majesty of God’s creation, the consequences sin brought upon it, and who must really take the rap for suffering in the world today.

Dinosaurs With Man:
We are indoctrinated at a young and impressionable age with the idea that dinosaurs lived millions and millions of years ago. Eric covers historical, scientific, and biblical evidence that dinosaurs existed with man in the Garden of Eden; were on the ark with Noah; and how God’s judgment with a global flood changed life on planet earth for everyone — including the dinosaurs!

Fact vs. Faith:
Science textbooks clearly impact society. In this Session , Eric drills down on evolutionary theories supported in the textbooks with evolutionary faith masquerading as scientific fact. Examine such scientific data as where the geologic column exists, the change mutations bring on life, and what influence the theory of natural selection makes on a society as it robs humanity of its belief in God’s Word as the ultimate authority. Arm yourself to critically sort through the jargon and assumption of the faith based evolution agenda and to distinguish fact from faith in the latest science curricula.

Either there is a God or there isn’t — and both possibilities are frightening. Discover how one’s worldview affects his perception of truth. Science cannot give us absolute truth; only educated guesses based on circumstantial evidence without certainty of conclusions. Absolute truth can only be known through a proper understanding of God’s Word, and in the end, this always brings God glory!

Noah’s Flood in Perspective:
Our perspective and education often influence the way we interpret facts and looking at the geologic features left behind from the worldwide flood of Noah’s day is no exception. Let’s step back to re-examine the Grand Canyon and the fossil record’s history of death as you view them through the words of our ultimate history book and final authority—God’s Word. This talk may cause you to change your mind and possibly your behavior!

Merging Science and Scripture:
Science and Scripture are often presented as conflicting subject matter. Often the result is people doubting the accuracy and authority of the Bible. Would you like to integrate true scientific facts with biblical truth in an exciting, convincing way? Twenty year veteran, Eric Hovind, demonstrates captivating examples of how to merge these two fields with honest scientific facts and solid biblical truth. Gain valuable insight into how we can restore trust in the Christian’s ultimate authority as Eric Hovind delivers, Merging Science and Scripture!

Old Earth Creation on Trial:
YES! The Age of the earth really does matter! Why? Because it determines for us the very character of God. Do we worship a God who created a world filled with death and suffering? Or do we worship a God who created a perfect world—No Sin, No Death, No Disease—a Paradise? At the very heart of this conversation are two very important issues—Biblical Authority and the Character of God. Eric Hovind dismantles the science and theology of Old Earth Creation in “Old Earth Creation On Trial.” Know this truth and learn to stand on the unchanging truth of God’s Word!