Creation Speakers


Book creation speakers all over the world.

Showing 10 of 25 items

Dr. Dan Biddle

Dr. Daniel A. Biddle is president of Genesis Apologetics, Inc. a 501(C)(3) organization dedicated to equipping youth pastors, parents, and students with Biblical answers for evolutionary teaching in public schools.

Dr. Anthony Silvestro

Dr. Silvestro was once an unsaved evolutionist but now is an avid Biblical creationist – teaching adults and kids alike that God didn’t create man from baboons, and that the Bible can be trusted from beginning to end, starting with the book of Genesis!

Rich Overman

Rich has over 30 years of engineering experience. In 1992, he and Ginger accepted a call by God into a creation ministry. This led to the formation of Creation Education Resources in 1994 where he is a researcher, lecturer, teacher, and president.

Helmut Welke

Helmut is president of the Quad-City Creation Science Association. Founded in 2008, they are dedicated to telling the truth in science education. He is a member of the Creation Research Society and has recently been named an Ambassador/Speaker for Logos Research Associates.

Marianne Pike

Marianne Pike is a seasoned creation tour guide across the Pacific Northwest, co-producer of “Creation Explorers: Tracking The Flood,” and internationally known as co-host of The Creation Today Show. Marianne’s passion for Jesus Christ and His creation is seen through her presentations as she shares about Christ as Master Artist. You will not want to miss… read more

Pat Roy

Pat Roy founded Creation Quest where he leads creation tours, tours the country speaking on creation, and teaches creation science to homeschool classes. Pat Roy is co-founder, along with his wife, Sandy, of the world-renowned Jonathan Park Audio Adventure Series.