Age of the Earth
Director of Mount St. Helens Creation Center
Co-Founder & Executive Director of The Creation Education Center
Former Evolutionist, Now Outspoken Creationist
Rich has over 30 years of engineering experience. In 1992, he and Ginger accepted a call by God into a creation ministry. This led to the formation of Creation Education Resources in 1994 where he is a researcher, lecturer, teacher, and president.
Michael Langdon joined the United States Marine Corps in 1995 and afterward joined the United States Army Chaplain Corps in 2003. He served as an Army Chaplain in the United States, Iraq, and Afghanistan until retiring from the Army in 2018. During his time in the military, he took 4 Creation Science courses from Dr. Kent Hovind, the creator of Creation Science Evangelism.
Brian Young, an internationally known speaker and author, was a teacher and principal for ten years before becoming director of Creation Instruction Association and the Semisaurus Mobile Creation Museum.